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NAIM解码器,DAC D to A Converter(到货) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2010-11-18
采样频率支持32kHz to 192kHz, 24 bit, (iPod 48kHz max)
USB 输入 Front and rear panel - the front overrides the rear
模拟输出DIN, RCA
线路输出规定(电平) 2.2V rms
频响范围 10Hz – 20kHz, +0.1/-0.5dB
红外线 RC5
远程输入 3.5mm jack on rear (RC5)
远程输出3.5mm jack on rear (RC5)
支持的音频格式 USB: WAV (LPCM up to 32bit / 768kHz)
供电电压100V, 115V, 230V; 50 or 60Hz
功率消耗 (最大)<30VA, (max inc iPod charging)
认证Apple (made for iPod, works with iPhone)
尺寸70 x 432 x 301mm (H x W x D)
FrontBrushed and black anodised
CaseBlack powder coated
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2010-11-18
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2010-11-18

「零時基誤差」的數位類比轉換器(zero S/PDIF jitter digital to analogue)?真能達成那可是Hi-End音響界夢寐以求的突破,到底Naim Audio是怎麼辦到的呢?不同於過去數位類比轉換器由傳入的S/PDIF數位音樂信號裡汲取並回復主時鐘信號(master clock),Naim Audio這部DAC內建了大容量的固態記憶體,先將讀入的S/PDIF數位音樂信號緩衝儲存在內,再以內建固定頻率的震盪器發送穩定的主時鐘信號,如此一來便排除了傳統數位轉盤與數類轉換器之間,S/PDIF傳輸所無可避免的時基誤差。從另一個角度來看,基本上這部DAC數類轉換器裡「記憶體」、「主時鐘」與「數類轉換電路」,就和一部CD唱盤裡「CD唱片」、「主時鐘」與「數類轉換電路」的關係是完全相同的,自然沒有分體式數位訊源的時基誤差問題存在。
只看该作者 9 发表于: 2010-11-18

移去DAC的上蓋,可以觀察到Naim Audio對於純淨豐沛電源的一貫重視,內建210VA電源變壓器與全機多達26組穩壓電路,數位類比轉換及類比電路從電源變壓器次級開始,就是完全獨立供電設計,要求更高的玩家還可以添購Naim Audio的專用外接電源供應器(XPS或555PS),讓聲音表現得到進一步的提昇。在數位類比轉換的核心部分,DAC採用高速的SHARC DSP數位運算晶片,以Naim Audio所撰寫的程式來進行40位元浮點運算、16倍超取樣處理,數位類比轉換晶片則是與自家旗艦CD唱盤CD555一樣的兩顆Burr-Brown PCM 1704併聯處理。

只看该作者 10 发表于: 2010-11-18
DAC的機體紮實緊密,背板的端子群與操控功能十分齊全。它配備8組S/PDIF數位聲音輸入(2組BNC、2組RCA同軸與4組Toslink光纖),另外還有兩組USB輸入(前面板與背板各一),這十組數位輸入各自有獨立對應的精確時鐘基準。USB輸入除了能播放USB隨身碟內高解析度數位音樂檔案外,也可對應iPod或iPhone的數位連結播放(對應數位音訊最高達768kHz/24bit,iPod與iPhone對應最高達48kHz)。另一方面,DAC具備兩段式接地模式切換、DIN與RCA類比輸出切換與iPod充電機能關閉等功能,顯示Naim Audio對於最佳音樂重播的堅持。

只看该作者 11 发表于: 2010-11-18
Naim官網今日終於公佈了該公司首款數類轉換器Naim DAC的技術規格,原廠宣稱Naim DAC可以完全解決以往數類轉換器的時基誤差與噪訊問題,Hi End級的設計,堪稱Naim研發CD唱盤多年來的顛峰之作,超齊全的輸出入介面,則可看出Naim企圖是把Naim DAC當作家中所有數位訊源的處理中心的目標。以下就是Naim DAC的技術特點:1. 配備8組數位輸入(BNC二組、RCA同軸二組,Toslink光纖二組),2組USB端子。2. 數位訊號在輸入Naim DAC之後,先儲存於RAM緩衝區,利用內部高精度時鐘重新鎖定時脈,再進行數類轉換處理,徹底解決時基誤差問題。3. 數類轉換線路共採用多達十組的高精度石英時鐘產生器,每組均經過個別調校。4. 採用性能強大的Sharc DSP晶片超取樣與低通濾波,以16倍超取樣,40 bit浮點運算進行數位濾波,徹底排除頻寬之外的任何雜訊,升頻解析度高達32bit/768kHz。5. 內建兩顆單聲道BurrBrown PCM1704K數類轉換晶片,架構與naim旗艦CD唱片CD555相同。6. 電源供應採用低磁漏、多組獨立繞線變壓器,數位、類比線路獨立供電,各部分線路獨立穩壓,徹底隔離數位高頻雜訊干擾,還可外接555 PS電源供應器,進一步提升重播表現。7. 採用六層玻璃纖維電路板,可降低麥克風效應,提升訊號傳輸速度。8. 採用3mm鋁合金機箱,鑄造前障板,有效抑制箱體共振。9. 可搭配Naim CDX2、CD5 XS CD唱盤與HDX數位流硬碟播放器,提升重播表現。10. 可選購Naim原廠推出的DC1同軸數位線,有RCA與BNC端子兩種選擇。規格及更多資訊請見原廠網站:http://www.naim-audio.com/products/dac.html 相關報導:Naim新品大曝光!專訪亞洲區業務總監David Amey
只看该作者 12 发表于: 2010-11-18

This review first appeared in the March 2010 issue of hi-end hifi magazine High Fidelity of Poland. You can also read this review of the Naim DAC in its original Polish version. We publish its English translation in a mutual syndication arrangement with publisher Wojciech Pacula. As is customary for our own reviews, the writer's signature at review's end shows an e-mail address should you have questions or wish to send feedback. All images contained in this review are the property of High Fidelity or Naim Audio. - Ed.

Krzysztof Kalinkowski
Review component retail: 9.950zł

Naim needs no introduction I think. For many audiophiles and music lovers, this company has acquired cult status. However, we haven’t reviewed much gear from them until now except for the CD 5i + Nait 5i and CD 5x with external FlatCap 2x power supply. But it’s never too late. As Naim is refreshing their product line, there are new opportunities on a regular basis.

: For the listening test of the new Naim DAC I used two sources: my Linn Unidisk 1.1 connected with the BNC-terminated digital cable supplied by Naim and the Olive 4HD file server connected using RCA-terminated ViaBlue cable. Both delivered CD quality 16/44.1 data as well as 24/96 or 24/88.2, in case of the Linn via DVD-V and DVD-A discs. In addition I used a WAV-loaded pen drive with files from 16/44.1 to 24/96 density.

Having just concluded my Olive review, I adopted a similar sequence of test CDs. I began by placing into the Linn tray the Lars Danielsson Tarantella disc [ACT, 9477-2, 2009]. Starting with the first few notes, the Naim already championed rhythm and drive. This may be trivia as Naim is supposed to sound like that but, it really and truly does. Here timing is superior to other aspects of the sound. There's no chance any tone wouldn't be on time. It’s as though a metronome were placed somewhere inside this small enclosure. I have not encountered similar pace and rhythm at this price level or double. The tonal balance was very neutral. All parts of the frequency spectrum were treated equal. Only compared directly to the Linn playing back the same material through its analog outputs could one identify a slight dryness and hardening of the lower midrange and upper bass. The treble range was very good and timbre and reverb of cymbals were resolved well. Bass too was splendid. Lead double bass had proper body and agreeable tone. The soundstage was wide and well sorted. Images were properly sized without ambiguity and their location in space nearly perfect, outlines clearly drawn. Only stage depth was shorter than over my reference player. This tended to focus the listener on the first plane. But I have believe this might be by design. Naim seems to approach spatial portrayals like it consistently. All other Naim products I've heard did it similarly.
Next up was Jarré’s Geometry of Love project [Aero Productions/Warner Music, 2564 60693-2, 2003]. Again the DAC directed attention at the rhythmic aspects of this disc to become the leitmotif. This created great vividness while the ‘colors’ of the synthesizers were reproduced very nicely, their tone fat and saturated. Unfortunately this is not an audiophile recording and imperfections are easily pinpointed. But the Naim behaved well, placing those in the background to allow the music to remain in the lead role. This is important. Not all digital sources at this level or higher handle this aspect as gracefully.

Next I fed the converter with the Black Hawk Down soundtrack [Decca, 017 012-2, 2001]. Of course I just had to spin “Barra Barra” with Rachid Taha and “Gortoz a Ran – J’Attends” with Lisa Garrard. The vocals were phenomenal in either case. I was really impressed. Lisa’s voice was saturated and sensual, Rahid’s extremely well accentuated and free from any coarseness. This I felt was attributable to the machine's very clean and high midrange resolution. Compared to my player, here I did not encounter the aforementioned impression of dryness in the lower midrange as on the Lars disc. Interesting. The instruments too were handled well, localized properly and clearly surrounded by air. Beat fidelity or rhythm was again top notch.

Then came 88 Basie Street by Count Basie [Fantasy/JVC, JVCXR-0021-2, 1987]. Its big band arrangements did not derail the Naim in the least. The DAC handled their complexity splendidly, showing both the sound of the entire band as well as allowing one to pursue each instrumental thread separately. Here I had the impression that the treble range was slightly rounded and sweetened, rendering the brass instruments and particularly trumpets with less vigor than expected. On the other hand there was sufficient sonic power for the size of the band. This disc also allowed a good look at the resolution of each sub range. All of them were at least good while the midrange was even better to allow for proper instrumental reverb. The first ‘dense’ recording was Rebecca Pigeon’s Retrospective in the form of 24/96 FLAC [Chesky Records/HD Tracks, SACD242, 2003] recorded on DVD-V in LPCM and sourced from the Linn and network drive of the Olive player.

Switching to high resolution lit up the DAC’s HD LED [see above] but otherwise the changes were fairly minimal. I could perhaps see slightly deeper into the soundstage and appreciate better decays and overall higher resolution but all that was subtle. One might say that these changes only dotted the ‘I’ for the final polish but the sound itself did not fundamentally change from what CD quality material had already established. In my opinion this demonstrated design maturity. The Naim DAC required no hi-rez files to show what it could do.

只看该作者 13 发表于: 2010-11-18

Some 20 years after the first stand-alone DAC – the Arcam Black Box – appeared, Naim Audio has finally joined other manufacturers at the party.
For years, the company ignored external DACs completely, but with today's proliferation of digital media and music that does not come stored on silver discs, it is no longer an option. The DAC is fast becoming a must-have component in any contemporary hi-fi system.
The price of the Naim DAC pitches it well above budget favourites such as the cambridge Audio DACMagic, but comfortably below the high-end Chord Indigo DAC/preamp. So, in price terms, it sits in the middle ground, along with the likes of the Bryston BDA-1. But where does it stand in terms of performance?
The Naim DAC's biggest claim to fame is that it promises to deliver zero jitter through its S/PDIF inputs. Let us, however, just clarify that for the sake of any pedants: Naim says that the DAC adds no jitter to the signal coming through those inputs.
Any jitter that was present in the original production of the music – and there is nearly always some – will still be there so Naim cannot truthfully describe the DAC as zero jitter. No DAC can deliver that!
This zero-added-jitter is achieved by passing the incoming signal to, what Naim describes as a rotating data RAM buffer, independent of its timing information.
The signal data is subsequently read out of the buffer having been re-clocked by one of ten ultra-low noise, fixed frequency oscillators selected to match best the average incoming clock frequency and then send it through a SHARC DSP digital filter, running Naim-written code, which oversamples – or up-samples – the data (16-times on a 44.1khz sampled signal.)
This ensures that the signal entering the dual mono, 24-bit, Burr-Brown PCM1704K DAC chips – as used in Naim's top-of-the-range CD555 CD player – is completely isolated from any incoming S/PDIF jitter.
As usual with any Naim design, great – some might say obsessive – attention has been focused on the power supply arrangements and upon keeping mechanical interference at bay. At several points in the design these considerations meet.
The main power supply capacitors, for example, are removed to their own separate circuit board because they can vibrate when charging up – a mechanical disturbance can cause problems if it reaches other components.

We tested the DAC within the context of a Naim system, but it is important to note that it can just as easily be used in any other manufacturer's set-ups. Make sure, however, that you feed it with the best sources, if you want to exploit its full potential. for example, we used it with an iPod Touch and the performance was exceptionally good for an iPod.
That said, making a purse out of a sow's ear is beyond any DAC we have yet encountered, the Naim included. And that's not being rude about the iPod, the performance of which was very credible, but nonetheless wanting in comparison to genuine high-end sources.
We found it simply lacked the dynamic edge required to elevate it above the status of hotel lobby music.
The Naim DAC comes with eight S/PDIF inputs through BNC, RCA and TOSlink connections, has two USB ports and can process hi-resolution audio data files up to 32-bit/768khz (although these will need to be on top-notch USB sticks). The S/PDIF inputs are all isolating and work up to 24-bit/192khz.

(Reviewed by Malcolm Steward - Hi-Fi Choice Issue 328)
Tags: DACs, Digital to Analogue Converters, Audiophile DACs, Naim DACs

Read more: http://www.techradar.com/reviews/audio-visual/hi-fi-and-audio/hi-fi-accessories/naim-audio-dac-654031/review#ixzz15d3iXWUI
只看该作者 14 发表于: 2010-11-18

The DAC is also, naturally, power-supply upgradeable. To augment the integral supply of the DAC, we took advantage of this by using the XPS that formerly powered the analogue stages of an HDX hard-disk player.

This provides a worthwhile lift to its already dramatically impressive performance, and is well worth doing if you find yourself with an otherwise redundant XPS... or you have £2,850 burning a hole in your pocket with which to buy one.
Sound quality
All of Naim's fanatical attention to detail pays dividends here: that much is obvious from the moment the DAC starts doing its job. Its performance is clearly in another league to anything we've heard before.
Music emerges with startling clarity and amazing levels of detail, while timing is absolutely on the button. In fact, you had better prepare yourself for a real surprise if you do not associate stereo niceties with Naim, because the DAC does sound-staging, timbre, spaciousness and all that high-end audiophile stuff as well.
Given suitable material and an appropriate source – in this instance an HDX hard-disk player – its performance can be breathtaking: listening to experimental-metal tracks from the System of a Down album, Mezmerize, we notice that the DAC not only renders the vocals with pristine clarity and intelligibility, but also presents Daron Malakian's guitar as producing clearly individual notes rather than the frenzied blur that other systems often deliver when he plays at full speed.
The music's timing – and the band delights in playing about with rhythm and tempo – is portrayed forcefully and precisely, but there's also a great naturalness and feeling evident that counters any notions of metronomic sterility.
Of course, this DAC would not be worthy of carrying the Naim logo if it could not connect the listener with the emotional aspects of a performance. it does not disappoint in this respect... and we suspect that much of its communicative ability comes courtesy of its extreme clarity and resolution.
We listened to AC/Dc's Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution and the way that the band's timing and interplay came across was sublime. Drums and bass are clearly differentiated and provide a thrilling sense of the track's changing impetus even when listening at wholly inappropriate levels, ie far too gently.
At a more respectable volume setting, the sound of air moving when the kick drum is pedalled has timbre, definition and credulity that brought a smile to our faces. The drum is tight and crisp even though it's playing at chest-pummelling, dance-floor levels. how admirable!
Moving to the classical end of the spectrum gives the DAC a chance to demonstrate its high-end stereo capabilities. Its success here seems attributable predominantly to its dynamic control, which enables it to portray instruments with stunning fidelity.
A gently blown flute, for example, sounds simultaneously delicate, yet has sufficient substance to appear wholly believable. Vigorously beaten timpani explode from the rear of the soundstage, yet retain their subtle harmonic overtones, which reinforces the credibility of their presentation. What is more, these instruments emerge from a fastidiously sculpted, three-dimensional, richly detailed acoustic space, which, when there is no signal, can be eerily silent.
This assumes, of course, that the recording is free from noise. No matter what genre of music you play, though, you will quickly discover that the Naim DAC presents the frequency extremes quite unlike any other component you might have heard.
The bass has weight, speed and authority quite beyond comparison in our experience. Low frequencies exhibit exceptional power, extension and control, along with an analogue-like warmth and substantial feel that even vinyl cannot match.
In truth, even the finest vinyl replay would struggle to hold a candle to that of the DAC at low frequencies.
Similarly, at the top end, the DAC is vibrant and revealing, but it never sounds brittle or harsh and its midband is as open as one could wish to hear.
Put aside your feelings and preconceptions about 'the Naim sound'. Should you be looking for a versatile DAC you are doing yourself no favours if you do not, at the very least, audition this extraordinarily capable machine.
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Tags: DACs, Digital to Analogue Converters, Audiophile DACs, Naim DACs

Read more: http://www.techradar.com/reviews/audio-visual/hi-fi-and-audio/hi-fi-accessories/naim-audio-dac-654031/review?artc_pg=2#ixzz15d3tLNiB
只看该作者 15 发表于: 2010-11-18
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